Thursday, December 18, 2008

How To Customize The Vista Explorer Send To Menu.

If you like to send your files to a particular destination folder regularly, or if you find that your Vista has added too many places to 'Send To' of your rt click context menu, you might just want to add or delete a few items from this Send To menu.

Here is how you can add or remove items from the Send To menu easily.

Copy the following path in your Explorers address bar and click on the Go arrow.


You can see here, the contents or destinations where you can Send To.

Here you can add a particular folder. For example, I have a folder E:\Downloads which I use frequently to Send To. So, I open E Drive, rt click on this folder and select Create Shortcut, then cut-paste this shortcut in this SendTo folder.

The Downloads folder will now appear in the SendTo menu. In case there are some items you don't use at all, you might want to consider removing them.

This way if you find your Send To menu opens slow, or your cursor hangs at the Send To menu, you will now see that after reducing the number of items, this menu opens up faster.

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