Monday, December 15, 2008

Step Methods for Fixing Registry Editor AND Generic Host For Win32 and Svchost.exe Error

Solution 1:
§ Go to Run and type regedit
§ Navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE >> SYSTEM >> CurrentControlSet >> Services >> Browser >> Parameters
§ Find the key IsDomainMaster
§ Set its value to False
§ Restart the computer

Solution 2:
§ Go to Run and type cmd
§ Type ‘netsh’ in command console then press enter
§ Then type ‘winsock’ and press enter and then type reset
§ Restart the computer

Also you can try updating the following patch:--
Update for Windows XP (KB894391) for “Generic Host Process”

Resolution Method
Perform the following steps to resolve the problem:
1. Open Start menu, select Run, type the following command and then click OK.
net stop wuauserv
2. Next, open My Computer and then locate and delete the following folders:
C:\WuTempC:\Windows\System32\Catroot2 folder.
3. Next, open the C:\Windows folder.
4. Here, rename the SoftwareDistribution folder to SoftwareDistributionOLD.
5. Next, open the C:\Windows\system32 folder, and then rename the following files by changing their extensions from .dll to .old.
o Wuweb.dll
o Wuapi.dll
o Wuauclt.exe
o Wuaucpl.cpl
o Wuaueng1.dll
o Wuaueng.dll
o Wuauserv.dll
o Wucltui.dll
o Wups2.dll
o Wups.dll
Note: Here, C: represents the system drive in which operating system files are located.
6. Restart the computer.

In the end you can try for disabliing automatic updates & go for manual updating of windows from

Method : Windows XP Professional and Group Policy EditorIf you have Windows XP Professional and access to an administrative user account, you could change the registry editor options in the Group Policy Editor.
Click Start, Run
and Press Enter
Go to the following location
User Configuration
Administrative Templates
In the Settings Window, find the option for "Prevent Access to Registry Editing Tools" and double-click on it to change.
Select Disabled or Not Configured and choose OK
Close the Group Policy Editor and restart your computer
Try opening REGEDIT again

Method Generic Host For Win32 and Svchost.exe Error

1. Start Registry Editor

(Regedit.exe) by clicking Start menu, and then click the Run icon.
2. In the small box that Opens, type: regedit then click the OK button. The Registry Editor will now have opened.3. Locate the following key in the registry:HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\NetBT\ParametersIn the right-hand side of the window find an option called TransportBindName.Double click that value, and then delete the default value, thus giving it a blank value.

1. Then you must now navigate to the following registry key

:HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\OLE2. You will see there is a String Value called: EnableDCOMSet the value to: N (it should currently be Y)
3. Close the Registry Editor. Shutdown and Restart your computer.
Well thats all but if you want you can disable NETbios.

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